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Dark Wolf Pack - Do not be afraid of where we go, just remember who we are.

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Walking down a moonlit path one evening, a feeling of peace surrounds you. Everything is bathed in pale lunar light, giving it a frosted, silvery appearance. All of your worries and stress seem to melt away, as if the moon itself has cleansing powers. This feeling of peace and joy only seems to deepen the further you walk.

Although you are strangely unafraid, the hair stands slightly on the back of your neck as a pair of green eyes appear ahead of you. Looking closer, you see that they belong to a large she-wolf. With her jet-black fur, she almost seems to be more of a shadow, perhaps a phantom, rather than a real wolf. Then you notice a silvery/white wolf at her side, and soon a few others appear as well. One is solid white, one is brown, some are gray. There are many wolves surrounding you, now.

The black wolfess raises her muzzle, and a beautiful, if somewhat eerie howl spills forth from her parted jaws. One by one, the others join in. Their voices mingle high up in the atmosphere, and create a symphony unlike any found in the human world. The wolves have welcomed you into their pack. Will you turn and hurry back to the place from which you came, or will you accept the invitation and join them?

-Site is currently undergoing maintenance. Please check back, as various information will be changed, and a couple of pages added. Thanks for your patience!-

The Dark Wolf Pack, this website, The Howl, and The Clearing © 2006-present, Raven and the pack. Graphics are copyright their respective owners, and nothing on this site may be used or altered without permission.

For questions or comments, please sign the guest book, or contact me at the email address below.